Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Adult Sectional Championships - Las Vegas NV

Last week I dove off the high dive and competed in the Adult Sectional Championships at the SOBE Ice Arena in Las Vegas.  I did my three programs: Light Entertainment, Dramatic, and Technical.

I'm very proud of what I did (well, mostly), but beyond that, I was so blown away by the friendship and support of the adult figure skating community.  We come from different backgrounds and states, but we all share a passion for this sport. I met some amazing men and women, and I was so inspired by the talent out there!

Of course I quickly added a slew of these wonderful people as "friends" on Facebook, and I can't wait to see them again at the Adult Nationals in Salt Lake City (which is in 4 weeks)!

I  could not believe it when I placed 1st in both Light Entertainment and Dramatic. The other ladies were so entertaining and I'm not sure I would have placed myself first. But the judges thought otherwise, and I'm very grateful!

On my technical program, I placed 4th, which was a gift. I made it to the last 10 seconds of my program and fell. I fell!! Stupid!!  After watching the video, it looks like I was just so exhausted I decided to sit down.  That's what it looks like. It was the last program of the week, I had been up since 4 am for a 5 am practice and I think I had stretched my body to its limit.

I'll be working on my endurance for Nationals in April.  My checklist:  water, 7-8 hours sleep, 6 practices a week, 3 light jogs a week, and a Vitamin B-12 shot a week before. And eating! This is no time for dieting. I need my energy.

Here are a few photos from a fantastic 5 days in Las Vegas.

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